

I. 介绍

This is the official Privacy 政策 of the American Clean Power Association (“机场核心计划,” “we,” “us,或“我们的”).

We are committed to protecting the privacy of our Members, registered attendees at our conferences (“出席者s”), and those who provide us with information personal to them. The purpose of this Privacy 政策 is to inform you about the types of information we gather about you, including information gathered when you visit 机场核心计划’s official website located at www.Cleanpower.org, 相关网站也由机场核心计划托管, 机场核心计划的社交媒体页面, 机场核心计划’s downloadable mobile applications (collectively, “网站”), and information we may receive from third parties or affiliates, 我们如何使用这些信息, 我们是否会将这些信息透露给任何人, 以及你对我们使用, 以及你改正错误的能力, 的信息. 通过使用本网站, you expressly consent to the use and disclosure of information as described in this Privacy 政策.

当机场核心计划向您收集信息时, 我们这样做主要是为了确保如果您从机场核心计划获得产品或服务,我们拥有所需的数据,以便及时向您提供该产品或服务, and that if there is a cost for that product or service the payment is processed effectively and securely. 我们也可能使用您提供的信息,通过了解您感兴趣的我们提供的产品和服务,为您提供更好的客户服务. 我们也可以利用您提供的实际地址来获得有关beat365亚洲体育行业员工工作地点的汇总数据, in order to help advocate for the industry with key legislators and regulators in those regions. We may share this data on a very limited basis with co-赞助商s/co-presenters of our events, or affiliate organizations with which we work closely and which also help advocate for clean power.

We collect two types of information: personally identifiable information and non-personally identifiable information. 个人身份信息是识别您身份或可用于识别或联系您的信息(“个人身份信息”)。. We also may collect information that by itself typically cannot be used to identify or contact you, 例如人口统计资料(例如.g. 年龄, 职业或性别), IP地址, 浏览器类型, 域名, and other anonymous statistical data involving the use of 我们的网站 (“Non-Personally Identifiable Information”). The non-personally identifiable information may also include information about the company at which you are employed, 如果该公司是会员, 赞助商, 或机场核心计划的附属机构.

This Site is governed by laws and regulations of the United States (“U.S.”). 如果你不是美国居民.S. 你选择加入机场核心计划, to participate in 机场核心计划 events and activities that require the submission of your Personally Identifiable Information, or otherwise provide 机场核心计划 with Personally Identifiable Information, you hereby freely consent to the transfer and processing of your Personally Identifiable Information to the U.S. and you consent to be governed by the laws and regulations of the U.S. with regards to the use of your Personally Identifiable Information. 如果您是欧洲经济区的成员公民,您将享有美国法律没有规定的额外保护,机场核心计划将完全尊重这些保护, 如下文第六节所述.

We reserve the right to modify this 政策 at any time without prior notice. When we modify the 政策, we will post the revised 政策 on this Site. 如果修改是实质性的, we will also post a notice on this Site for 90 days beginning on the date the revised 政策 is posted, 通知您政策已被修改.

II. Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Information

This Privacy 政策 governs all forms of Personally Identifiable Information collected by 机场核心计划 online and offline. We collect Personally Identifiable Information online and offline only if you choose to provide it to us, 给附属机构, 或向机场核心计划的授权代理人提交. 如果您选择申请机场核心计划会员, 注册参加机场核心计划会议或研讨会, 订购刊物, 下载资源, 参加机场核心计划活动, 或者进行捐赠, we will ask you to provide information that may include your name, 职称, 公司名称, 办公地址, 商务电话号码, 备用电话号码, 传真号码及电邮地址. 机场核心计划不收集家庭住址, home phone numbers or home e-mail accounts unless you decide to provide this information to 机场核心计划. We will also collect certain information about member companies that may include office location(s), 公司规模, 行业分类. We may use this Personally Identifiable Information to provide communications to you regarding the product, 您收到或请求的服务或信息, 或产品, 服务, 或者我们认为您可能感兴趣的信息. You may unsubscribe from 机场核心计划 emails using the unsubscribe button at the bottom of our emails, 或使用以下链接更新您的电子邮件偏好:

*Any changes you make 1) may not apply to communications that have already been processed to be sent; and 2) will not apply to communications to complete a transaction or request already made or in process (e.g. 付款确认邮件).

如果您是机场核心计划的会员,我们可能会将您的公司名称和联系方式收录在年度会员名录中,供机场核心计划会员个人和专业使用. 如果您的公司表明您是机场核心计划会员的主要联系人,则该目录可能包括您的个人姓名. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of 的信息 contained in the 目录. Online access to the 目录 is password protected and restricted for use only by 机场核心计划 members and organizational staff. 如果你在机场核心计划董事会任职, 或非加太委员会或工作组, your name may be listed as a member of that entity in the 目录 or on 机场核心计划’s website, and 机场核心计划 may also include a brief biography but only 如果你允许的话. 如果您是会员或活动参加者, 我们可能会加上你的名字, 照片, and quotations and/or video for member testimonials, 如果你允许的话.

我们收集信用卡或借记卡账号, 还有有效期和安全码, from members or other individuals to pay for membership dues, 机场核心计划活动费用, 出版物, 音频或视频材料和其他贡献. We do not store credit card numbers or checking account information. 根据PCI/DSS标准,仅在行政和税务需要时保留付款信息.

网站上的信息包括beat365亚洲体育和案例研究,可能会列出姓名和其他个人信息作为文档的一部分. 机场核心计划不对通过本网站链接的非机场核心计划来源发布的新闻报道和参考资料中可能捕获的数据负责.

除了beat365亚洲体育.org, 机场核心计划 may maintain supplemental related websites 如 the Clean Power for America website. Where those websites facilitate grassroots activities, 机场核心计划可能会收集个人资料,包括姓名, 公司名称, address, 和电子邮件地址. 它还可以收集特定的人口统计数据, which the individual user may provide at their own option.
在我们能够做到的范围内, we may link your Non-Personally Identifiable Information with your Personally Identifiable Information. 我们也可能将在线收集的信息与我们离线收集的信息或第三方在线收集的信息联系起来. 任何与个人身份信息相关联的信息,自该关联之日起将被视为个人身份信息.

3. 个人身份信息的共享

We may share your email address with other organizations that are co-赞助商s or co-presenters of an 机场核心计划 event or program. lf you are a non-member, we may also use your email address for 机场核心计划-related promotional purposes. We do not disclose your email address to non-related third parties for marketing purposes. 我们也与我们的附属机构和机场核心计划内部共享信息,以改善对我们成员的服务,提高我们组织的效率. If you wish to be removed from our email distribution list, please call 机场核心计划’s membership team at (202) 383-2500.

机场核心计划 may provide your personal information to service providers or contractors to perform functions on its behalf, 如, 但不限于, 雇佣来传播新闻的公司或个人, deliver 机场核心计划’s promotional materials via e-mail and direct mail, 协助组织工作, 运营或营销机场核心计划活动, 推广机场核心计划的社交媒体形象和活动, 开发, 增强, 销售或提供机场核心计划的任何产品或服务, 处理信用卡付款,协助机场核心计划发送通信和执行其他营销和支持职能.

在法律允许的范围内, 我们可能会根据法律要求向政府机构或第三方披露您的个人身份信息, 传票, 遵守其他法律程序, or upon a law enforcement 年龄ncy’s (or other governmental 年龄ncy’s) request. We may also use or disclose your Personally Identifiable Information to protect the rights or property of the 机场核心计划, 还有权利, 我们成员的安全, 我们的员工, 我们的网站, 或者它的用户, 并执行我们的使用条款协议. 最后, 我们可能会将您的个人身份信息披露给通过合并获得我们组织的全部或部分的任何其他实体, 重组, 法律的实施, 或者出售机场核心计划的部分或全部资产.

IV. 儿童在线隐私保护法案

未经家长事先同意,机场核心计划不会故意收集13岁以下儿童的个人身份信息. 如果机场核心计划知道了, 尽管采取了这些措施, a child under the 年龄 of 13 has submitted Personally Identifiable Information to 机场核心计划 through the Site, 它将采取合理措施从其记录中删除该等信息,并且不将该等信息用于任何目的(法律规定的保护儿童或他人安全的必要情况除外)。.

V. cookie和其他技术

通过使用我们的网站, some Non-Personally Identifiable Information may be automatically collected by our web servers as you browse 我们的网站. 例如, our web server automatically collects information known as “click stream data,” 如 the domain name of the site providing you with Internet access, the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, 浏览器类型和版本, 操作系统和平台, 花在我们网站上的平均时间, 页面查看, 搜索的信息, 访问时间和其他相关统计数据. We also collect information by using technologies and methodologies that enable tracking, 比如“饼干”. “Cookies”是网站传输到访问者电脑硬盘上的小块信息,用于保存记录. “cookie”通过使我们能够根据对我们网站和其他网站的访问确定独特的偏好和趋势,为访问者提供对我们网站的个性化体验.

您可以将您的浏览器设置为接受cookie或在提供cookie时通知您,以便您可以决定每次是否接受它. 然而, refusing a cooking may in some cases preclude you from using, 或对…的显示或功能产生负面影响, 本网站或本网站的某些区域或功能. 欲了解更多有关饼干的资料,请浏览网页 http://www.allaboutcookies.org. 通过使用本网站, you are deemed to unambiguously agree to its use of cookies that you do not disable.

VI. Protecting Your Personally Identifiable Information

机场核心计划 is committed to protecting the security of your Personally Identifiable Information. 我们使用商业上合理的安全技术和程序来保护您的个人身份信息免遭未经授权的访问, 使用或披露. After you have submitted your information online to 机场核心计划, we recommend that you end your browser session before leaving your computer. 尽管有这些保护措施, 机场核心计划 cannot guarantee the security of any data submitted over the Internet. 在你的信息到达机场核心计划之后, 然而, it is stored on servers (or in the case of information received from you in person, 在书面或电话中, (在物理存储区域)受程序和技术保护,旨在阻止未经授权的第三方合理可预见的入侵.

如果您是机场核心计划会员, 出席者, 或访问者和欧洲经济区成员公民,并希望反对上述第II节所述的个人数据收集, exercise your right to be forgotten per General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), request that 机场核心计划 cease using your personal data for direct marketing purposes, or request that 机场核心计划 provide personal data that you have provided to you or another data controller if technically feasible, 你可以发邮件到membership@Cleanpower.org. Such requests will be authenticated by 机场核心计划 and processed within thirty (30) days.

7. Access to and Review of Your Personally Identifiable Information

如果你想复习的话, modify and/ or correct your Personally Identifiable Information, please contact us at 202-383-2500 and request to be connected to the 会员 department. 保护您的隐私, we will ask you to authenticate your identity before we provide access to your Personally Identifiable Information.

7. 数据安全

机场核心计划非常重视数据隐私和安全. 我们维持行政管理, technical and physical safeguards intended to protect against the loss, 滥用, 未经授权的访问, 变更, 或者信息披露. Given the nature of information processing systems and technology, it is impossible for us to guarantee that information, during transmission through the Internet or while stored in our systems or otherwise in our care, 是否绝对安全,不受他人侵扰. Should you suspect a security incident or security breach related to your Information, said suspected security breach or incident should be reported to 机场核心计划 by emailing IT@机场核心计划.com and including relevant information so that 机场核心计划 can assist you with your query. If you are a member citizen of the European Economic Area as defined by General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you may have additional rights regarding notification after a breach.

8. 外部链接

This Privacy 政策 applies solely to information collected by 机场核心计划. In order to assist you and provide you as much information as possible, 我们的网站包含到其他网站的链接,包括那些为我们的会员提供专业信息的网站. This Privacy 政策 does not apply to other websites that are accessible through this Site, including 但不限于 any third-party websites that process payments on behalf of 机场核心计划. 机场核心计划 is not responsible for the business or privacy practices or the content of such external websites; 然而, 当我们与第三方签订合同以提供与机场核心计划常规业务功能相关的服务时,我们确实包含了旨在保护个人数据的语言, 作为我们年度审计的一部分,我们要求这些第三方积极确认其符合PCI和GDPR标准. 尽管如此, 为了保护您自己,我们鼓励您在提交任何个人身份信息之前,查看链接到本网站的任何第三方网站的隐私政策和条款与条件.

IX. 联系我们

如果你有任何问题或意见, 请致电:202-383-2500与我们联系, 或者发邮件到membership@afroradionetwork.com.

M街1501号. 西北900套房|华盛顿特区20005




  • 政策方向: 你在关键行业讨论中的声音.
  • 独家网络: 直接向beat365亚洲体育领域的主要参与者学习.
  • 内幕信息: First-hand access to policy 的见解 and premier events.
  • 先进的工具: Our proprietary data at your fingertips to drive growth.

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